15 Oct 2020

The hunt for mid-October

Yes, I know that’s nonsense, but here we are.  And there’s plenty of nonsense already on the internet !

Throughout this month there have been southbound Whiskered Terns over the fishponds near HK’s boundary with Shenzhen.

And the odd White-winged Tern (left on the last photo).

At Mai Po Nature Reserve, the resident birds (and non-birds) have been showing well..

...and the winter visitors have started to arrive..

Two Taiga Bean Geese have been a highlight of the autumn/winter so far...

The “end of the Fence”

At the start of the day...

3 Oct 2020

Day and Night

There have been a lot of migrating Egrets around in the past couple of weeks, but for some real “Viz Mig” Jemi and I went to Mai Po late yesterday afternoon.

Almost seven hundred Egrets of various kinds flew up from parts of Mai Po and nearby and headed off south and southwest, towards the setting sun.

Mid-Autumn Festival was the day before (October 1st) and the moon was still full.

And two Savanna Nightjars from a week or so ago.  These are resident, but there may be some migrating through Hong Kong as well.


Still haven’t got used to the new blogger set-up... Really, picture size ?  Anyway, life’s too short !