Some views of Long Valley, now that it has finally opened.
Things haven't really settled down yet, and visitors are not restricting themselves to the "Public visit" zone.
At San Tin, a Black-necked (Eared) Grebe was popular -
On Mai Po access road on Sunday 15th December, a flurry of hirundines in the cold air included a Himalayan Swiftlet...
and three or four House Martins, including this Siberian House Martin
At Mai Po, the WWF contractors have completed the herculean task of removing most of the vegetation from the mudflats in front of the boardwalk hides.
Greater Cormorants around Deep Bay now number by the thousand.....
The MPNR Water Buffalo are looking healthy.
with attendant Myna and Cattle Egret |
Greater Painted-Snipe |
Little Egret |
Collared Crow |
And it seems that about two dozen Oriental Storks have settled for the winter.
I hope so, anyway. They enliven any landscape.