11 Sept 2014

A "Hong Kong First" - Crow-billed Drongo

Not found by yours truly, I must confess.  This bird was seen on Po Toi Island on Sunday 7th September, and again on Tuesday 9th.

Some photos by Allen Chan are on the HKBWS website here:


The bird was reported to favor a small area of wooded hillside and so it seemed like a good idea to go and have a look for it again today.  About twenty Hong Kong birders and photographers had a similar idea ("Great Minds…") and the ferry trip to Po Toi Island was quite a social occasion.

I was lucky to walk right up behind some eagle-eyed types who had just found it.

Crow-billed Drongo Dicrurus annectans

Crow-billed Drongo Dicrurus annectans

Crow-billed Drongo Dicrurus annectans

Crow-billed Drongo Dicrurus annectans

Crow-billed Drongo Dicrurus annectans

Crow-billed Drongo Dicrurus annectans

In front of an admiring audience, the drongo made short work of a succession of Stink Bugs, Lychee Bugs and a Cockroach.

The spotting indicates that it is a juvenile.

Crow-billed Drongo Dicrurus annectans

Crow-billed Drongo Dicrurus annectans

Crow-billed Drongo occurs in S.E. Asia, and Yunnan, Guangxi and Hainan Provinces in China.  There are one or two records from north Guangdong, too, but this is the first to be seen in Hong Kong.

A memorable bird, and ideal conditions for a "Twitch" !


  1. Nice sighting, first rate photos, good twitch. I have yet to get a single new bird this year. Boo hoo..

  2. Never mind, John, still three months to go !
