And in the late afternoon, a few Pacific Swifts were among the House Swifts and Swallows over the ponds near Mai Po Nature Reserve..

Apus pacificus
There is some debate in birding circles here about how the Pacific Swifts in HK might be either the south China race "kanoi", or the nominate race, "pacificus" .
If "kanoi" are confusable with House Swifts - well, these were MUCH bigger and should be the nominate "pacificus".

There is some debate in birding circles here about how the Pacific Swifts in HK might be either the south China race "kanoi", or the nominate race, "pacificus" .
If "kanoi" are confusable with House Swifts - well, these were MUCH bigger and should be the nominate "pacificus".