29 Dec 2013

Eastern Water Rail (with supporting cast) at Long Valley

"Eastern" Water Rail - a.k.a. "Brown-eared" Rail (Rallus indicus) is a winter visitor to Hong Kong.

It's been getting pretty close to freezing in the past few days, so viewing a few winter birds has seemed appropriate.
Long Valley has boasted some good birds in recent weeks, and during holidays there are always birders and photographers about. Small huddles of well-wrapped-up people have been dotting the network of small freshwater fields.

Both rail and crake were in the corner, above.

Here's the rail; taking snails from the only remaining damp corner of this pond at Long Valley.

To the delight of many, a Ruddy-breasted Crake (Porzana fusca) has been appearing in the same small pond…

My last post for 2013.  Happy New Year !


  1. That Rail is subtly beautiful. How great to have the two of them together in the one pond. Thanks for sharing the beautiful images. It was interesting to see another side of Hong Kong as well. It's hard to imagine it near freezing!

    1. Thanks, HW ! It should warm a little next week..

  2. Beautiful shots as usual, John. Can't remember when was the last time that I saw the Water Rail, must be more than 10 years already! It's a rare winter visitor in Thailand.

    1. Ayuwat, it's not common here either - fortunately word got around about these birds...

  3. Excellent shots John. I've only ever seen ONE Water Rail in my life, and that was for about 2 seconds. Ruddy Crake has eluded me completely,

    1. Thanks, Stu....I imagine they're even rarer up your way ?

    2. Hi John, they are both around AFAIK, in small numbers I guess..........but I never see them.

  4. These shots are certainly not easy to come by. Great work, John. Happy New Year!

  5. Happy New Year to you too, Mun !

  6. Wow! Not just great portraits but excellent behaviour shots too! Have a great 2014, John.
