South Georgia = King Penguins, King Penguins = South Georgia
South Georgia has the biggest King Penguin colony on Planet Earth; - the are 150,000 pairs at St. Andrews Bay.
We visited St Andrews Bay and Salisbury Plain.
St. Andrews Bay, South Georgia |
King Penguin rookeries are attended by Snowy Sheathbills, which scavenge for whatever they can get. Here's one with three KPs on the beach.
Snowy Sheathbill - Chionis alba |
I was ignoring this fluttering white bird above the tideline at Salisbury Plain, thinking it was just another grubby Sheathbill, so thanks to Dave Barnes, a fellow photographer, for pointing out to me that it was really a Snow Petrel , one of our target birds of the trip !
Snow Petrel - Pagrodroma nivea |
They looked rather diffident about going in...once in the water, though, they could really move !
The penguin rookeries were a real spectacle, at which the photo opportunities seemed overwhelming...
King Penguins |
It's not all sweetness and light for Aptenodytes patagonicus though, Southern Giant Petrels haunt the beaches to predate their young and hasten the demise of sick individuals.
Southern Giant Petrel
Among the supporting cast -
Antarctic Tern |
South Georgia Cormorant |
South American Sea Lion |
Elephant Seal - pup |
No need for long heavy lenses here.
Amazing place.............