27 Jul 2014

Velvet-fronted Nuthatch - coming soon to a tree near you

According to The Avifauna of Hong Kong*, Velvet-fronted Nuthatch has a "locally-common resident population considered to be of captive origin…..(it was) first noted in Tai Po Kau on 15 April 1989."

Well, VFNH can recognize an ecological niche when it sees it, and in the past two decades they have spread to much of the wooded areas of Hong Kong's New Territories.

For the first time ever, yesterday a small party of these birds appeared in the Chinese Hackberry tree outside the front of the building where we live.

This first shot was taken from the roof  - 

The rest were taken from beneath the tree…

They're obviously going to take over the world, given time.

Velvet-fronted Nuthatch - coming soon to a tree near you !

*The Avifauna of Hong Kong - It's a book - remember those ?


  1. Another collection of great photos. What a lovely little bird.

    1. Thanks, John - VFNH can certainly brighten any woodland birding session in HK..

  2. Very nice looking Nuthatch. Actually Nuthatches (the Eurasian one) seem to have become much commoner in the NW of England, there were several pairs near my parents' place last time I visited, before that I'd seen only one in 20 years.

    1. It's good that some species appear to be doing well, overall, the trend seems to be one of decline in many places.

  3. I really struggled with these fellas here in Malaysia. They just won't stay still long enough. Looks like the ones you have are a little more accommodating. Good effort, John.

    1. Thanks, Mun - the tree outside the house here is not too big, so they have few places to hide !

  4. Saw some near the Wishing Tree yesterday.
